There is a lot of construction experience required to ensure the facilities are up to date and functional. The better the facilities the better the beef. That is our secret in raising high quality grass fed beef to sell on-line. One of the most important aspects of construction on a cattle ranch is the roads. A good road system is important to be able to access the cattle rain or shine. We have discovered the value of red iron ore supplied by D&M Contractors right outside of Van Texas. They deliver iron ore, which makes a very cost effective material to create stout weather proof roads. Additionally, they bring the loads out on a large trucks that can lay out the material over miles. Traditionally, materials are dumped into a large pile and you have to scoop and travel when building a road. Using their specialty trucks they can evenly lay out the material over a large area. This decreases the need to spread. From a customer stand point all we have to do is crown and shape it. Thanks to D&M for their great material and delivery.
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